Live from Mothership HQ, each Sunday, Damon Amendolara known across the airwaves as D.A.,hosts a 60-minute (or so) show that dives into trending sports topics featuring immediate reactions, big opinions, lively interviews with newsmakers, as well as listener interaction, giveaways, and more, the show encapsulates D.A.’s signature creativity, humor, and beloved cast of characters.

You don’t want to miss this!

D.A. wearing a wizard hat and beard as his character: "The Wizard of Odds"

The Mothership

Has Connected

“If I can make you laugh, think, and hopefully touch your heart during my show, I’ve done my job.”

Damon Amendolara

Damon Amendolara and Damon Bruce in the crowd at Oakland Coliseum
Damon Amendolara signing a Oakland A's shirt
Damon Amendolara interviewing a guest at a Last Dive Bar Watch D.A. Live event in Oakland
Watch D.A. Live & Last Dive Bar Oakland Logo